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Computer Frauds: How to Prevent Them?


What are the types of computer fraud and how to prevent them?

With the advancement and innovation of technology, access to services and products for people has been facilitated, as well as various industrial processes have been renewed. Within these innovations, the possibility of making money transactions and purchases digitally has generated a new problem: computer fraud. According to data from the Chilean Investigative Police, during 2021 there was an increase (compared to 2020) in cybercrimes such as scams and fraud, with 30%, and computer sabotage, 45%. This situation is justified by the change that occurred in many companies with digital services and consumers opt for the digital route for their purchases. In this sense, it is possible to establish a correlation that indicates that the greater the use of digital and computer tools, the greater the risk of being a victim of these crimes. Therefore, it is essential to know how to recognize the elements that characterize cyber or computer fraud in order to prevent them.

What are computer frauds?

Computer or cyber fraud can be defined as a type of fraud that is carried out on the network and damages users' devices and accesses in order to make illegal transactions. This is possible due to the wide space that exists within the web since all the people who browse it are exposed to cybercrime.

What types of cybercrime exist and how can they be prevented?


An attack is sent in the form of a message or email to various recipients, communicating some publicity or information. That may be of interest to the public. The goal is for people to click a link to visit a page or download a file. Which includes a virus capable of stealing information from the device.

How to avoid it?

  • Has an antivirus installed on the device?
  • Do not open the emails or click on the link if you do not know the sender.


It is known as phishing, as its goal is to steal confidential user information by posing as a financial institution. The process begins with a message indicating erroneous information or a bank account movement. Asking the person to enter their account number, telephone number, email, password, keys, pin, or other important data. Furthermore, with this attack, criminals make purchases, transfers, empty accounts or request bank loans in the name of the victim. In addition, this attack is also usually carried out via telephone. Moreover, criminals use methods that can confuse users and make them fall. Such as using the official image of the institutions.

How to avoid phishing?

  • In case of any alert, it is necessary to resort to the official channels of the financial institution. Verify the information.
  • Do not deliver any type of data and sensitive information to any person or platform.


It is the practice of redirecting to a web page similar to an official one. Where pop-up windows are opened that steal the information. Consequently, They call the user's attention by sending messages indicating that they have been the winner of a prize and then asking for their information.

 How to avoid pharming?

  • Never click on the page and close it instantly.
  • Check that the web page includes the security protocol "https://" and a closed padlock in the address bar.
  • Only download apps from official stores and developers.

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