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How to Introduce Mindfulness in The Infant Classroom

How to introduce Mindfulness in the Infant classroom

What is Mindfulness?

It is a practice based on meditation that tries to make the individual intentionally attentive to their actions, without judging, becoming attached to, or rejecting the experience in any way.

How to bring Mindfulness to the Infant classroom?

What better way to know if it is possible or not to practice it with the little ones than by consulting a teacher who has put it into practice. How did this initiative come about?

Gloria tells us that “introducing Mindfulness into infant classrooms arises after seeing the need to work and channel with them the emotions that we experience in the classroom after the situation of confinement experienced. Focusing attention is another challenge for all of us, so we decided to introduce ourselves to Mindfulness”.

Mindfulness is a technique that is increasingly included in the classrooms of our country. "It is usually defined as conscious full attention to the present moment, to the here and now, conscious attention to our breathing, our sensations, our body, our emotions and our thoughts, which is why it is of vital importance", explains the teacher.

“At the Santa Teresa Carmelitas Misioneras school, we work through games and stories, these favor understanding and empathy with others. If you are constant, we see that the boys and girls end up asking you for those moments of calm that make them feel so good when we get it ”she continues explaining.

The teacher acts as a guide. “The role of the adult is fundamental. As adults and educators, we have a moral responsibility to do everything possible to help students develop the cognitive and emotional skills that, in addition to survival, allow them to thrive in the world they have inherited from us and that is and will be theirs."


Do you have an innovative experience underway in your classroom?

If you want to tell us about your experience and make it known to the rest of the educational community, we open this space for you. Get in contact with us.

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