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Tips for studying the selectivity from home

Tips for studying the selectivity from home


Preparing for selectivity is one of the most stressful phases in the life of any student. While many students study this university entrance exam in their second year of high school, many others do it from home. This is usually common among those who apply to raise their grades and thus be able to access their dream careers; as well as those who have not followed the traditional school route. Whatever your case, we want to give you a few tips so that you are always clear about how you should act. Your future will depend on it, so do not overlook anything that we have come to tell you about.

Sign up for a good online academy

Distance learning has become one of the fundamental pillars in the educational fieldIt is not for less, since technological progress provides all kinds of comforts to students who follow this path. Therefore, our first advice is to look for a good academy to prepare for online selectivity.

As in the rest of the schools, not all virtual centers are the same. Stay only with those who make the entire syllabus available to you, who have personalized tutors, and who, of course, have easy-to-use online platforms. In this way, your chances of passing will grow remarkably; thus opening the doors to a much more promising future.

Do not keep any doubt

One of the most common mistakes among students is, for fear of what they will say, keeping their doubts to themselvesDo not do it, since this could greatly complicate your study times and lead to failures during the execution of the exams. Luckily, in academies such as Selectividad Miró, they have an exemplary teaching staff that is at the complete disposal of the students.

Through the computer screen, you can get in touch with the teachers in order to enjoy personalized tutorialsTake advantage of this resource to review all the concepts that have remained pending. A way to specify the agenda and even find the support that only a good teacher is capable of providing.

Practice, practice and keep practicing

Another of the characteristics of high-level online academies such as Selectividad Miró is that they offer practical exercises to their studentsThis is not only essential in science subjects, such as chemistry, physics, or mathematics, it also helps to optimize the theoretical learning of other subjects such as philosophy, language, or economics.

So reserve part of your time to carry out these exercises and learn from your mistakesIt's amazing how much progress can be made when this dynamic is maintained. What's more, on this web platform they have recorded exams so that you become familiar with the test for D-Day. The rule is very simple: the more you practice, the more prepared you will be in the selectivity.

Maintain objectivity at all times

We do not want to close without talking about your attitude. Although it is true that everything we have discussed so far is essential, forming your level of knowledge so that you can function with solvency once you have the exam before you, it is just as important to maintain a certain mental stability. It is possible that you are overwhelmed, stressed and anxiety want to take over youDo not allow it under any circumstances.

Instead, have some prism of objectivity. In the online academies, they advise their students on how they should behave throughout this phase of studies; in fact, they issue reports on your progressSomething fundamental to gain clarity and thus know that, even if you are not clear, you are moving in the right direction.

You already know: passing selectivity can be easier than you think. It is not necessary to travel long distances and waste time going to face-to-face schools. From home, you can take giant steps and thus access the university courses that you want to study with so much interestA successful future is possible!

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